Abhay Venkatesh

Abhay Venkatesh

2 Interviews

Abhay Venkatesh's Interviews

Abhay Venkatesh 08 Dec 2023 • EN

Ep. 99 - Abhay Venkatesh

Abhay Venkatesh is an early engineer at Anduril, a new American defense company. He is also an angel investor and a scout at Greylock.

44 min
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Patrick Wheeler + Jason Gauci & Abhay Venkatesh 23 Aug 2021 • EN

Building a Robotics Software Platform with Abhay Venkatesh

You’ve seen the dancing Boston Dynamics dogs, Honda’s ASIMO greeting people at malls, and the half-court-shooting robot at the Olympics, among other awe-inspiring robot stories that nowadays are getting increasingly more common. But equally fascinating, especially for us programmers, is the amount of programming and st

64 min
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Podcasts with Abhay Venkatesh


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