Tim Berners-Lee

Tim Berners-Lee

1 Interview
Tim Berners-Lee Timothy J. Berners-Lee is best known for his work on the HTTP protocol powering the World Wide Web.

Tim Berners-Lee's Interviews

Joel Beasley & John Bruce + Tim Berners-Lee 07 Jun 2021 • EN

#336 Sir Tim Berners-Lee & John Bruce - Creating a New Web For All

Today we are talking to Tim Berners-Lee: the inventor of the World Wide Web and CTO at Inrupt, and John Bruce: the CEO at Inrupt. We discuss how Inrupt is building a new layer on the Web called Solid. How Solid’s unique API significantly reduces the need for back-end development, and how Solid gives users control over

53 min
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Podcast with Tim Berners-Lee


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