Stephen Shortt

Stephen Shortt
5 Interviews

Stephen Shortt's Interviews

Stephen Shortt & Evin Delaney 09 Nov 2022 • EN

Evin Delaney - Buying into your family-in-laws business!

In this episode, I chat with Evin Delaney - a former advertising professional who made the somewhat unusual decision to leave the corporate world behind and buy into his wife's family’s business! This experience has given Evin a wealth of knowledge on many aspects of family businesses, including succession planning and

32 min
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Do you know who's listening to your podcast? Here to teach you how to understand what your audience is looking for is Stephen Shortt, Chief Executive Officer at ETC Consult and Host of Killer Family Business Podcast. Stephen gives advice on how to think of your audience and ask/answer the right questions. Knowing exact

54 min
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In this episode, I chat with PJ Brady - an American living in Belgium about his journey to become an entrepreneur which was completely inspired by his family and how he wanted to instil positive values in his kids. Over the last few years, PJ has worked with family businesses and larger corporates as well as schools an

50 min
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We learn how to successfully transition leadership in family businesses and other businesses from Stephen Shortt on this episode of the Learning from Smart People Podcast with Rob Oliver. As someone who has spent his entire life working in 2 family businesses, he knows the ups and downs of successfully transitioning be

32 min
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Vinnie Enriquez & Stephen Shortt 04 May 2021 • EN

Stephen Shortt - Managing Director of ETC Consult #podcast #Growth #Mindset

In this episode of the Road to Growth podcast, we are pleased to introduce you to Stephen Shortt. Stephen is involved in different industries including leadership development and psychometric selection as well as international education and training; inward tourism in Ireland and more recently online and blended learni

31 min
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Podcasts with Stephen Shortt


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