Jen Allen

Jen Allen

3 Interviews

Jen Allen's Interviews

In many ways, great podcasters are like great salespeople, a comparison that gets even stronger when the two disciplines crossover. Jen Allen is the Host of Winning The Challenger Sale Podcast and the Chief Evangelist at Challenger. Jen shares how to avoid your show becoming overly scripted, why a guested format show i

54 min
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Richard Harris + Scott Leese & Jen Allen 03 Oct 2022 • EN

S3E44 - Why tonality matters in sales with Jen Allen of Challenger

Jen started her sales career non-traditionally. She started as an account manager and customer service; then she decided to move into sales. What you should be teaching your new reps first and it's not about the product. The Challenger Methodology does not mean ignoring relationship selling How tonality matter How to v

48 min
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Today's guest is a sales leader, a thought leader, and a speaker on topics like sales methodology, sales training, and the cost of inaction. Jen Allen is the Chief Evangelist at Challenger and the host of winning the challenger sale podcast. Jen joins Casey on the show this week to talk about challenging your buyer's b

81 min
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Podcasts with Jen Allen


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