The Made to Thrive Show

Updated: 25 Jul 2024 • 219 episodes

Optimising your mind, body and soul. Hosted by Steve Stavs, Africa's Pro Biohacker, Health Futurist, and founder of

Show episodes

Are we all addicts? When it comes to processed food I am concerned. This is a sobering episode about the horror processed food is wrecking in people’s lives who are largely totally unaware of what is happening to them. With 93% of adults in the US having a metabolic diagnosis of some kind, we as a culture need to wake

65 min
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This is an episode I wish everyone would listen to. Gut health genuinely builds the foundation of our health, but it is far more nuanced and fascinating than even I realized! Gut types and probiotic types are crucial to any decision we make about what we eat and the types of gut health optimization products we buy or w

64 min
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It’s everywhere. Our homes, our clothes, our water, our food, our bodies, our lives - plastic! This episode is stunning, and sadly scary. At the same time, a plastic-free or at least plastic-less world is possible. Find out how you can be part of this future with this courageous plastic warrior Frede Magnussen. Frederi

53 min
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The state of health seems like a never ending stream of crisis - mental health, metabolic disease, obesity, neurodegeneration, fatty liver and on and on and on. But there may be one health crisis that permeates into all the others, and could be the single most powerful lifestyle change that creates positive change to e

56 min
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Are we a culture of addicts living in a world of overwhelming overabundance? That is the premise of the brilliant Stanford psychiatrist Dr Anna Lembke, and her must-read book Dopamine Nation. She believes addiction will be the crux of human suffering not just for the next decade but for centuries to come, but at the sa

62 min
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This is a controversial podcast about what has been the most taboo topic in medicine for over half a century - vaccine-induced harm. Revolutionary ideas are often seen as heretical before time proves them otherwise.  Individuals like Marc are deemed heretics by the regime until they are proven right. Will Marc be prove

74 min
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