How To Talk To Girls Podcast

Updated: 24 Jul 2024 • 856 episodes

Tripp Kramer ( has been teaching shy men around the world how to date the girls they truly desire by approaching confidently, using openers that really work, starting conversations that are fun and engaging, and closing with her number and planning a date.

Show episodes

24 Jul 2024 • EN

Rapid Sexual Escalation

Girls love it when the guy knows how to lead her through the entire process of getting physical. And they hate it when he doesn't know what to do and is waiting on her to make things happen. Here is a fool-proof step-by-step guide to go from hanging out to kissing to the bedroom. MORE RESOURCES  1-on-1 Coaching: https:

47 min
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When you have High Status, you don't have to try with women anymore. Which means no more chasing, persuading or doing all the work because HS does the work for you. Here's how to develop HS in each area of your life so women are attracted to you before you even say a single word. MORE RESOURCES  Bootcamp Sign Up: https

41 min
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Are you frustrated with the whole dating scene and modern women? Well, Alex is a Passport Bro who has been living in Thailand for 1 year. You'll hear why he left the US, why he is happier now and why he believes that men are actually to blame for how western women are these days. MORE RESOURCES  Bootcamp Sign Up: https

45 min
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Despite what you see online, you don't need the finer things in life to live "the good life". You just need a few basics and the right mindset. We'll go over these so you can be happy with your life now, and stop wanting what you don't have, which is the attitude that women love. MORE RESOURCES  Bootcamp Sign Up: https

17 min
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You already know the traits that women find attractive ie. confidence, humor, looks, status, etc. But there is one trait that rules them all. It even compensates for lacking in others. You'll learn what it is and how to exhibit it to become more attractive to every girl you meet. MORE RESOURCES  Bootcamp Sign Up: https

37 min
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Caring about what others think or say about you is old mental programming that helped us a long time ago, but hinders us more today. You'll learn 3 mindsets to adopt that will help you get over self-consciousness so you can be your true confident self around girls and everybody. MORE RESOURCES  Bootcamp Sign Up: https:

44 min
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