Robin Taub

Robin Taub, CPA CA
5 Interviews

Robin Taub's Interviews

Alain Guillot & Robin Taub 13 May 2022 • EN

Robin Taub: Teaching your kids to be money smart Robin Taub is a keynote speaker and author of The Wisest Investment: Teaching Your Kids to Be Responsible, Independent and Money-Smart for Life. Get the book here:

30 min
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This week I have a returning guest on the podcast! I’m joined for a third time by Robin Taub who's here to share everything about her new book The Wisest Investment, an update to her bestselling book, A Parent’s Guide to Raising Money-Smart Kids. I was so happy to have Robin back on the show to share how her book aims

58 min
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Adam Kol & Robin Taub 17 Aug 2021 • EN

Why Your Kids’ Money-Sense Is Your Wisest Investment

What’s your wisest investment? Most people think of their emergency fund, retirement account, or real estate. But Robin Taub is here to teach us about the importance of raising money-smart kids! Why’s that? For starters: if and when adult children get in a bind, their money problems often become their parents’ money pr

33 min
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Jessica Moorhouse & Robin Taub 03 Apr 2019 • EN

Women, Money & Financial Success - Robin Taub, CPA, Speaker & Author

If you’re a long-time listener of the Mo’ Money Podcast, you’ll remember when I had Robin Taub on for episode 32 to talk about her book A Parent’s Guide to Raising Money Smart Kids. Well, that was a few years ago now so I thought it was time to have her back on the show, but to talk about something very different. As I

52 min
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Jessica Moorhouse & Robin Taub 13 Jan 2016 • EN

How to Raise Money-Smart Kids - Robin Taub, Author & Financial Consultant

I talk with financial consultant, public speaker and author Robin Taub about her book "A Parent's Guide to Raising Money-Smart Kids" and what advice she would give to parents about teaching their kids about personal finance at any age. Long episode description: I was lucky enough to meet Robin Taub at the Canadian Pers

45 min
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Podcasts with Robin Taub


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