Phoebe Keller

Phoebe Keller

10 Interviews

Phoebe Keller's Interviews

Phoebe Keller + Robert Doar & Andrew Biggs 28 Mar 2023 • EN

Andrew Biggs on Social Security

Andrew Biggs is a senior fellow at the AEI, where he studies Social Security reform, pensions, and public sector pay and benefits. Andrew joins Phoebe and Robert to discuss Social Security solvency, privatizing Social Security, introducing minimum benefits, and implementing mandatory retirement-plan coverage and partic

49 min
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Phoebe Keller + Robert Doar & Scott Winship 14 Feb 2023 • EN

Scott Winship on Upward Mobility

Scott Winship is a senior fellow and the director of the Center on Opportunity and Social Mobility at the AEI, where he researches social mobility and poverty. Scott joins Phoebe and Robert to discuss poverty alleviation, upward mobility, workforce participation, and the child tax credit.

34 min
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Robert Doar + Phoebe Keller & Marc Thiessen 13 Sep 2022 • EN

Marc Thiessen on Politics and Biden's Foreign Policy

Marc Thiessen is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) where he studies and writes about American presidential leadership and counterterrorism. He is a columnist for The Washington Post and a regular contributor to Fox News. Marc joins Phoebe and Robert to discuss partisan media, War in Ukraine, th

46 min
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Robert Doar + Phoebe Keller & Ian Rowe 19 May 2022 • EN

Ian Rowe on Black Conservatism

Ian Rowe is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, where he focuses on education and upward mobility, family formation, and adoption. In his new book “Agency” (Templeton Press, May 2022), Ian Rowe seeks to inspire young people of all races to build strong families and become masters of their own destiny.

32 min
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Robert Doar + Phoebe Keller & Mark Jamison 07 Dec 2021 • EN

Mark Jamison on antitrust laws and Big Tech

Mark Jamison is a nonresident senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, where he works on how technology affects the economy, and on telecommunications and Federal Communications Commission issues. Dr. Jamison has served on the FCC transition team for President-elect Trump, as a special adviser to the chair o

37 min
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Robert Doar + Phoebe Keller & Hal Brands 19 Jan 2021 • EN

Hal Brands on the Presidential Transition and the Future of American Foreign Policy

Hal Brands is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where he studies US foreign policy and defense strategy. He serves concurrently as the Henry A. Kissinger Distinguished Professor of Global Affairs at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Hal joins the show to tal

38 min
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Podcast with Phoebe Keller


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