Peter Baines

Peter Baines
1 Follower
2 Interviews

Peter Baines's Interviews

I'm honoured to introduce Peter Baines (OAM), global speaker, author, board director, business consultant and founder of an incredible charity, Hands Across the Water. With an extraordinary background in both elite forensic services and international disaster relief efforts, Peter's journey has been nothing short of re

21 min
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Amanda Cassar & Peter Baines 12 Oct 2021 • EN

Peter Baines

Welcome to the Financial Secrets Revealed podcast episode where Amanda Cassar introduces Peter Baines, a global speaker, charity founder, consultant and author. Amanda first heard Peter speak at a conference many years ago, introducing how we went from forensic cop working the aftermath of the Boxing Day Tsunami to sta

36 min
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Podcasts with Peter Baines


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