Patrick Rhone's Interviews
On this episode of the podcast, Patrick Rhone returns so that we can have another great conversation. This time around we focus on reading more (and better), mindfulness (and Patrick's new book "Mindfulness for Mere Mortals), and much more. I always have a blast talking with Patrick. I hope you enjoy the show as much a
This week Patrick Rhone makes his third appearances on The Productivityist Podcast. I always enjoy chatting with Patrick because even when we don't see eye to eye on a topic, we always manage to find common ground on several others. This time around we talk about our disinterest in new year's resolutions and what we pr
This week on the podcast, Patrick Rhone makes a return. These episodes with him may appear to be the least related to productivity, but that’s the beauty of our conversations. They head in that direction somehow because of the lenses that we look through in our everyday lives. I always enjoy chatting with Patrick becau
Mike sits down with Patrick Rhone to talk about Rick Rubin, his Dash/Plus system, and a bunch of other cool stuff in the first of the regular "Free Time with Patrick Rhone" series on the podcast. Relevant Links http://boingboing.net/2014/10/22/rick-rubin-looks-back-at-the-b.html (Boing Boing: Rick Rubin looks back at t
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