Patrick Short

Patrick Short, PhD

8 Interviews

Patrick Short's Interviews

Kira Dineen & Patrick Short 09 Feb 2024 • EN

#275 ALS Genetics with Dr. Patrick Short

CEO and Co-Founder of Sano Genetics shares about the genes that play a role in ALS development and the “Light The Way” free genetic testing program.

1 min
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About this Episode: This week’s guest, Daphne Koller, is the Founder and CEO of Insitro - a company shifting the paradigm of new drug discovery using predictive models. Patrick and Daphne talk about why she founded Insitro, how to create unified datasets, and the importance of being realistic about drug discovery.

45 min
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What is the role of genetics in Parkinson’s disease? From the impact of variants in the LRRK2 gene, to the need to expand PD research in diverse populations to aid the development of new medicines, this week’s guests, Dr Ignacio Mata and Dr James Beck, talk to Patrick about the history, and future, of precision medicin

40 min
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Kat Arney returns to the podcast to discuss her new book ‘Rebel Cell’, which takes an evolutionary look at cancer. Kat talks about the book beginning as an idea while working on her PhD at Cancer Research UK to spending the last few years researching, conducting interviews and undertaking the book writing process. Patr

38 min
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Keith McArthur is one of the parents re-writing the rules for research in rare disease. Keith is CEO of the CureGRIN foundation, a non-profit backed by the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative. Keith and his co-founder Denise Rehner believe that patients hold the power to accelerate research and drive progress, and that a cure f

50 min
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How do you go from a cell to a baby? This question fixated Kat Arney at the beginning of her career, and pushed her towards epigenetics ‘before it was cool’. From travelling the globe asking how genes work, to her upcoming book ‘Rebel Cell’, she discusses the world of genetics. This week, Patrick talks to Kat Arney - a

48 min
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Podcasts with Patrick Short


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