Joe Ryan

Joe Ryan
1 Follower
3 Interviews

Joe Ryan's Interviews

This Twins playoff team took off in the second half and Joe Ryan has one of the reasons why it happened. Sonny Gray is the best...teammate...ever! Sonny makes a quickie appearance in this convo on the field with SB, Toddfather, Danny Graves. What's it like living in the Olympic village? And finding out you've been trad

12 min
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Blind spots. We each have them. In the context of personal change, why is it we often settle for "good enough?” Our past emotional traumas amplify deflection and uncomfortable avoidance in most of us. with psychological blind spots that everyone else can see but us. So just how do we find these answers? - with a little

71 min
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Most of us have such psychological “blind spots,” aspects of our personalities that are obvious to everyone but ourselves. You can find the answers if you care to—or more accurately, if you dare to. This is the roughest mission you can undertake: a direct seek-and-destroy attack on your own pockets of denial. Identifyi

70 min
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Podcasts with Joe Ryan


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