Tai-Danae Bradley's Interviews
Tai-Danae Bradley on Algebra, Topology, Language, and Entropy
Mathematics is often thought of as the pinnacle of crisp precision: the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle isn’t “roughly” the sum of the squares of the other two sides, it’s exactly that. But we live in a world of messy imprecision, and increasingly we need sophisticated techniques to quantify and deal with
5 - Tai-Danae Bradley: Where math meets language
Tai-Danae Bradley does research applying tools from physics to understanding language models, all under the broader umbrella of category theory. She is also the brilliant mind behind the blog https://www.math3ma.com/ Try out the episode sponsor: http://brilliant.org/3b1b
Mathematician Tai-Danae Bradley is very excited about the singular value decomposition. And category theory. And Dum Dums.
Ep. 146 - Math, Language, and Intelligence with Tai-Danae Bradley
Mathematician Tai-Danae Bradley joins The Local Maximum to discuss authoring a graduate level book on Topology, the mathematics of language, and the application of quantum probability to machine learning. Don’t miss today’s fascinating discussion! Get full access to The Local Maximum at localmaximum.substack.com/subscr
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