Kate Ledogar

Kate Ledogar

2 Interviews

Kate Ledogar's Interviews

Kate Ledogar talking to James Howard Kunstler, on systemic collapse, the sadistic undercurrent of “wokism,” the vaccination program as covert eugenics, female totalitarianism, and getting back to a world made by hand. One: Project Mindfuck (0 – 35 mins) Homesteading & goats, ridiculing the Jacobins, canceling Fauci, pr

135 min
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Jasun Horsley & Tessa Lena + Kate Ledogar 24 Aug 2021 • EN

The Liminalist # 291: Seeing the Machine (with Tessa Lena & Kate Ledogar)

Conversation with Kate Ledogar and Tessa Lena on a 2000-year soul domination plan and the way through & out of Hell. Part One: The Doctrine of Domination (0 – 33 mins) Facing reality, emotional mechanisms, seeing the machine, the need for order, the learning curve of an abusive marriage, a classic nightmare, the price

135 min
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Podcast with Kate Ledogar


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