Jason DeFillippo's Interviews
274 Jason DeFillippo - A Brief History of Podcasting
Harry welcomes to the show, professional podcast producer, editor and host, Jason DeFillippo. Jason is the co-host of Grumpy Old Geeks, a no-holds-barred show about the Internet and how it's affecting our lives for good or bad. Since 1994, Jason’s launched hundreds of websites as either a programmer, designer or founde
Jack Rhysider of Darknet Diaries with Jason DeFillippo
Darknet Diaries is a podcast covering true stories from the dark side of the Internet. Stories about hackers, defenders, threats, malware, botnets, breaches, and privacy. The show is created by Jack Rhysider. Jack created the show because he wanted a show like this to exist but couldn’t find one. So he made it. Jack R
Dynamic Ads with Jason DeFillippo and James Cridland
In this roundtable, we discuss dynamic ads in podcasting? Are they good? Are they horrible? Whatever they are, they are the future. Jason can be found at https://jpd.me James hosts a kind of popular newsletter at https://podnews.net And don’t forget to support the podcast by subscribing for free, reviewing, and sharing
Jason DeFillippo: podcaster, producer, and programmer extraordinaire
Jason has been building websites since the early days in 1994 for clients that range from small businesses to million dollar websites for blockbuster films to his own start-ups. In 1995 a new media company in Santa Monica moved him out to Los Angeles to build the first website for Epson America. Since then Jason has la
My guest is Jason DeFillippo - producer of The Jordan Harbinger Show podcast, cohost of Grumpy Old Geeks podcast, Podcast Editor, and host and producer of Does It Have Legs. Jason has an awesome podcast studio setup - listen for all the details. We discussed his equipment, workflow, processing and lots more. Here's som
Podcasts with Jason DeFillippo
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