Jim Mitchem

Jim Mitchem

2 Interviews

Jim Mitchem's Interviews

James Jacobson & Jim Mitchem 08 Jul 2022 • EN

Tales of Dogs We’ve Loved with Jim Mitchem

“He was not old. It was not his time, I will spare you the drama, except to say: I lived in the pupil of his eye.” -Dead Dog by Lisa Underwood. That poem is one of 52 stories from people around the world in author Jim Mitchem’s book “Gone Dogs” – a tribute to the dogs that have left us, written by the people who loved

31 min
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James Jacobson & Jim Mitchem 27 Aug 2021 • EN

Jim Mitchem – “Gone Dogs” Author

“He was not old. It was not his time, I will spare you the drama, except to say I lived in the pupil of his eye,’ Dead Dog by Lisa Underwood. That poem is among 52 stories from people around the world in author Jim Mitchem’s book “Gone Dogs” – a tribute to the dogs that have left us, written by the people who loved the

27 min
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Podcast with Jim Mitchem


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