Jim Blandy

Jim Blandy

3 Interviews

Jim Blandy's Interviews

Adam Gordon Bell & Jim Blandy 01 Jul 2020 • EN

Software That Doesn't Suck With Jim Blandy

Building Subversion Software is just the tool and it should get out of your way. In this episode, we will discuss Jim Blandy’s insights on how to build and recognize improvements for a great developer tool and find out how he approached the question: “What's the worst software that you use every day?” “Everybody likes

37 min
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Adam Gordon Bell & Jim Blandy 03 Jul 2018 • EN

Tech Talk: Moves and Borrowing In Rust With Jim Blandy

Tech Talks are in-depth technical discussions. The surprising thing about rust is how memory management works.  Rust has the concepts of moves and borrowing.  If you have heard about Rust, you may have heard people talking about the borrow checker and trying to make it happy. In this interview, Jim Blandy walks us thro

67 min
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Adam Gordon Bell & Jim Blandy 16 May 2018 • EN

Tech Talk: Rust And Bitter C++ Developers With Jim Blandy

Tech Talks are in-depth technical discussions.  Rust, the programming language, seems to be really trendy these days.  Trendy to me means shows up a lot on hacker news.  Rust is really interesting language though, and I think the growing popularity is deserved.   Today I talk with Jim Blandy, one of the authors of Prog

62 min
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Podcast with Jim Blandy


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