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Jackson Huff
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Jackson Huff
1 Follower
7 Interviews

Jackson Huff's Interviews

From "babysitting" a radio station to being listened to by the President of the United States. This week we explore the life of one of the biggest radio DJ's of the 80's and 90's, Kim "Kid" Curry. We talk about those early days in Colorado, his time managing the hottest Top 40 station in America, and his fateful visit

72 min
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"WOW! That is going on my Bucket List!". If you have ever said that today's episode is for you! This week I speak with Roger Williams who has dedicated his life to just that, crossing things off his bucket list. After a heart attack several years ago he flipped the script of his life and decided rather than keep an arb

56 min
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This week we journey the crime journalist crime beat in Savannah, Georgia to international spies in London, England with author Ava Glass AKA Christi Daugherty. She talks about her real life experience in both of these worlds, the writing process as a full time author, writing tips, and why she goes by so many names! T

56 min
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This week I speak with an accomplished author with 14 published books and counting. We talk about the writing process, what got her started, and what the future holds. That future includes going to high school as Shanti Hershenson has done all this at just 14 years old and in eighth grade! This was such an inspiring co

37 min
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In this episode we learn about a lot of things with earth lover and entrepreneur, Cathy Nesbitt. You will see that she has a lot of really interesting and unique passions. We talk about why laughter is so important to our health and a relatively new practice of laughter yoga. We also talk about worms and how they are m

50 min
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This week I interview Jen Ruiz of Jen on a Jet Plane fame. She tells me about her experiences as a female solo traveler with all the perks and pitfalls of this method of travel. Spoiler it is overwhelmingly in the perks department. We also talk about her books written on budget travel and a topic we are all a bit more

47 min
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Podcast with Jackson Huff


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