Ian Wendt's Interviews
You guys are NOT ready for this controversial conversation! Well... I suppose if you're a listener of mine, then maybe you are. This was such a great conversation and much needed in this divisive time we are living in. This episode I am joined by Ian Wendt, the owner of the Official Patriot Gear, to discuss Julian Assa
The next American who is going to change the world is you. On today's episode, Andy and the crew are joined by Ian Wendt, the founder of the Patriot Gear. They discuss the true meaning of being a patriot and how each one of us can be the agent for unity and change within the most inclusive community called America.
Ian Wendt. How to Spot a True Patriot . Episode 358 with The Real Brad Lea (TRBL)
Learn about REAL Success at https://www.bradlea.com/realsuccess Ian Wendt is a patriot and that is fully exclaimed by his brand, Official Patriot Gear. In addition, he also uses his skills as a sales trainer and creative to coach individuals and companies as well as speak at major events throughout the country. Ian h
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