Eleanor Tweddell

Eleanor Tweddell

2 Interviews

Eleanor Tweddell's Interviews

Eleanor Tweddell & Patrice Gordon 03 Feb 2023 • EN

#112 The role of trust in the workplace - Patrice Gordon

In this episode we are talking about “Reverse Mentorship”, something that can create a unique perspective for senior staff as they hand over the mentorship to their mentee.  Patrice Gordon is a highly qualified executive coach and personal development advocate specialising in women's development programming and reverse

43 min
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In this episode Cally talks to coach, mentor and writer of best-selling book ‘Why Losing Your Job Could be the Best Thing That Ever Happened to You’, Eleanor Tweddell, about: free thinking, motivational theory, liminality, grief, failure, rejection, falling down, standing up, selfish thinking, bouncing back, loss, impo

56 min
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Podcasts with Eleanor Tweddell


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