Patrice Gordon

Patrice Gordon

2 Interviews

Patrice Gordon's Interviews

Adam Goodman-Smith & Patrice Gordon 03 Oct 2023 • EN

Season Two: Patrice Gordon

In our latest episode, Adam is joined by coach, author and business owner Patrice Gordon. Patrice previously held senior positions at British Airways, Royal Mail and Virgin Atlantic. Pivoting from commercial finance into commercial partnerships, she led the largest airline joint venture across the transatlantic. After

48 min
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Eleanor Tweddell & Patrice Gordon 03 Feb 2023 • EN

#112 The role of trust in the workplace - Patrice Gordon

In this episode we are talking about “Reverse Mentorship”, something that can create a unique perspective for senior staff as they hand over the mentorship to their mentee.  Patrice Gordon is a highly qualified executive coach and personal development advocate specialising in women's development programming and reverse

43 min
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Podcasts with Patrice Gordon


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