Courtney Boyer's Interviews

"Not tonight, honey". Let's talk postpartum sexual intimacy. Interview with Courtney Boyer M.Ed., M.S.
Send us a text This week I have the absolute pleasure of being joined by relationship and sexuality expert, Courtney Boyer. M.Ed., M.S. Courtney is the author of "Not tonight, honey" (Why women actually don"t want sex and what we can do about it) and we have a phenomenal conversation about postpartum intimacy touching
How to SAVE your relationships with relationship Coach and Speaker Courtney Boyer
Wow Is your relationship in trouble? Want to divorce proof your marriage? Coach Courtney Boyer drops some serious knowledge bombs 💣 To listen say Alexa or Google chat or Siri play Vertical Momentum Resiliency Vertical Momentum Resiliency Podcast or click here https://anchor.fm/richard-kaufman6/episodes/How-to-SAVE-you
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