Mike Pierce

Mike Pierce

3 Interviews

Mike Pierce's Interviews

Fred Diamond & Todd Drake + Mike Pierce 20 Sep 2022 • EN

Sales Lessons from the Cattle Ranch with Antarctic Mike Pierce and Todd Drake

This is episode 553. Grow your sales career with the Sales Game Changers Podcast! Buy "Insights for Sales Game Changers" now on Amazon. Read the complete transcription on the Sales Game Changers Podcast website. TODD’S TIP: “Be bold, make sure you’re uncomfortable every week, and first and foremost is be compassionate

32 min
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Larry Levine + Darrell Amy & Mike Pierce 25 Dec 2021 • EN

Antarctic Mike-Developing Resilience in Sales

What if setbacks, challenges, and discomfort were the key to developing the mental muscles of courage and belief? Our guest, Mike Pierce, aka. Antarctic Mike, shares what he learned while training for a marathon and an ultra-marathon which he ran in the Antarctic. Mike shares powerful and practical ideas that will have

34 min
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Antarctic Mike is a public speaker, coach, and teacher of leadership lessons he collected while competing in marathons in the Antarctic! His flagship program, Leading at 90 Below Zero, brings the secrets of South Pole explorers to the real world and today"s business environments. He also specializes in helping others t

31 min
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Podcasts with Mike Pierce


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