Aimee Mann's Interviews
It was a real magic moment to connect with Aimee Mann, a musician I’ve listened to for decades. She indulges my curiosities about lyric choices and instrumental training, and I learn how much goes on behind the scenes of an Aimee Mann production. We talk about the traumas of her past, which hardships do and do not infl
Remember Scholastic Book Catalogs? (with Aimee Mann)
This week on the podcast we are so incredibly thrilled to welcome Grammy Award-winning musician Aimee Mann! Vanessa recalls the first time that the Bayers worked with Aimee on their old web series and how Jonah got so nervous about a joke they'd written he had to walk out of a taping with her to regain his composure. T
Singer-songwriter Aimee Mann feels apprehensive about being Conan O’Brien’s friend. Aimee sits down with Conan to discuss her tumultuous childhood, early days on the scene with her band The Young Snakes, and the importance of being able to say what you think and feel. Plus, Team Coco’s own gossip expert Solomon Georg
Aimee Mann (Magnolia, Portlandia) talks to Justin about her early musical inspirations, what it was like to perform at the Oscars, and she gives some insight into her role in The Big Lebowski. Aimee’s most recent album, Queens of the Summer Hotel is available now. Listen ad free with Wondery+. Join Wondery+ for exclusi
Live at Largo with Aimee Mann and Moshe Kasher
Aimee Mann, Moshe Kasher and Val make it weird live at Largo!
The Song That Changed My Life is a segment that gives us the chance to talk with some of our favorite artists about the music that made them who they are today. This time around, we're joined by Aimee Mann. Aimee is a singer-songwriter whose career dates back to the 80s when she sang in the new wave band Til Tuesday. B
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