Ahmed Elsamadisi

Ahmed Elsamadisi

3 Interviews

Ahmed Elsamadisi's Interviews

Get Noticed! Send a text. There"s a 99.9% chance you have, or you currently are, analysing and interpreting your data, really. As we all know, data is very valuable and can really empower entrepreneurs and businesses to make the right decisions and formulate the right strategies, if interpreted and analysed correctly.

21 min
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Ahmed Elsamadisi built the data infrastructure at WeWork before realizing every company could benefit from his team’s innovation. Traditional star schemas aren’t the best way to manage data. Ahmed instead pioneered a new approach using a single-table column model better suited for real questions people ask. He launched

52 min
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Summary The perennial question of data warehousing is how to model the information that you are storing. This has given rise to methods as varied as star and snowflake schemas, data vault modeling, and wide tables. The challenge with many of those approaches is that they are optimized for answering known questions but

68 min
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Podcasts with Ahmed Elsamadisi


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