Adrian Brink

Adrian Brink

2 Interviews

Adrian Brink's Interviews

On this episode of DeFi Decoded, Andrew and Alex speak to Adrian Brink, founder of Anoma Labs, which is a truly novel blockchain design. Anoma is a set of protocols for private human coordination with as much privacy as possible. Essentially, Anoma allows any digital asset to function as means of exchange or payment, w

31 min
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Anna Rose & Adrian Brink 09 Jun 2021 • EN

Anoma’s Adrian Brink on Validity Predicates, Ferveo DKG & More

This week Anna chats with Adrian Brink, co-founder of the Anoma Network and long-time crypto builder. Adrian explains all there is to know about the new privacy-centric network, diving into concepts like fractal scaling, the validity predicate-based account model, the solution against front-running in Ferveo & much mor

52 min
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Podcasts with Adrian Brink


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