Stephen Kent's Interviews
This episode was recorded in person in Washington D.C! Joining Bill is CCC Media Director Stephen Kent, who you can follow on X @Stephen_Kent89. Related article: https://www.newsmax.com/billwirtz/consumer-choice-government-regulations/2023/09/06/id/1133412/ September 14, 2023 Follow ConsEUmer wherever you get your podc
Stephen Kent, public relations specialist at the Consumer Choice Center, stops by to talk with Matt about next Wednesday's How to be a Pundit workshop at The Leadership Institute. They also discuss Stephen's latest piece at the Washington Examiner, Harrison Ford will not be coddled.
Episode #89 Stephen Kent and How the Force Can Fix the World
We Travel off the Beltway to the Hydian Way to sit down with Stephen Kent author of the new book How the Force Can Fix the World to discuss what lessons we can draw out of the texts of Star Wars as well as the bitter divides within its many generations of fans. You can find Stephen's Book here: https://www.amazon.com/s
How Star Wars Mirrors The American Culture Wars ft Tom Luongo
Star Wars, like any worthwhile piece of art, will always reflect the tensions of trials of the time in which it was created. This was the case for the original trilogy in a post-Vietnam America, and it was for the prequels during the Bush years and the War on Terror. Star Wars clicked with the mood of the times, becaus
Gene Park may have been the very first Star Wars fan to buy a ticket for Episode I: The Phantom Menace. In this special interview, Washington Post gaming reporter Gene Park talks about his Star Wars fandom and how storytelling methods from video games have crept in and out of blockbuster films. Gene memorably wrote in
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