Sam Parvin

Sam Parvin

2 Interviews

Sam Parvin's Interviews

Jodi Krangle & Sam Parvin 04 May 2022 • EN

Musical Branding: An Interview with Sam Parvin - Part 2

“Tap into who your consumer is, really know. And I don't mean like ‘males 25-34 years old who live in cities.’ No, it's like ‘what's important to this person, where do they spend their time,’ you know, those kinds of things, really thinking about who that person is and then what your company's role, what your brand's r

29 min
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Jodi Krangle & Sam Parvin 27 Apr 2022 • EN

Musical Branding: An Interview with Sam Parvin - Part 1

“The way that advertising agencies, for example, are structured now is still based on the Mad Men era where only billboards and print existed. So we have an art director and a copywriter on every project, but we don't have a sound person, we don't have a sound director. And so much of the way that we interact with the

22 min
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Podcast with Sam Parvin


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