Too Legitimate to Quit: Growth Strategies with a Pop Culture Spin
Join non-sleazy sales specialist Annie P. Ruggles and highly successful but utterly relatable guests as they decode the marketing, mindset, sales, and success hacks hidden within beloved movies, tv, music, books, and more. Often goofy but never fluffy, each episode ends with easy-to-implement homework that will leave you feeling delightfully legit. Season two is coming SOON!
Show episodes
Is your personal brand still important when you're scaling a business? How can your values and flair create a bedrock for company culture? And what the heck is the right balance between personal and professional content on social media? We'll answer all that and more in this week's jam-packed episode. This week, Annie
Are you drowning in "shoulds?" Bogged down in the expectations of yourself, your clients, and even your paid advisors? And, to top it all, is one-size-fits-all marketing or the newest high-priced fad failing to bring in the right people? It's time to shake things up, y'all. This episode will help you do exactly that. T
What the heck is "warrior energy" and how can it be harnessed in our personal and professional lives? How can we best balance head and heart during moments of stress and overwhelm? And how can we break ourselves of toxic self-sacrifice and really, truly practice self-compassion amid societal pressures and inner child t
Should tiny businesses be worried about the huge issues of inclusion and diversity? Why does allyship really matter - beyond just wanting to be (and be seen as) a good person? And how can we all go beyond performative acts into real, bottom-line shifting, glass ceiling shattering, stigma-debunking change-making? Welcom
Is "vision" really all that important or is it a distraction? How can we act as if our goals are already happening, rather than just waiting for them to happen? And, how do we balance entertainment and educational content on social media? Welcome back to another episode of "Too Legitimate to Quit" with your host Annie
On Fear, Productivity & Whitney Houston (feat. Sacred Walker)
Are self-care and productivity opposing forces? Must you choose one or the other? Absolutely not! This episode seeks to prove that self-advocacy and self-preservation are among the most efficient, effective choices you can make - if only you allow yourselves the space, and learn to work with your fears. This week, Anni