The Full Plate Podcast with Abbie Attwood, MS
Full Plate is a podcast about healing from diet culture, creating peace with food, reclaiming body autonomy and trust, and taking a weight-inclusive approach to our well-being. Each week, Abbie interviews guests or answers listener questions that explore our relationship to food and our bodies. Abbie is an anti-diet nutritionist with a master’s in nutrition and integrative health. She is also the founder and owner of Abbie Attwood Wellness, a virtual private practice dedicated to weight-inclusive care, food freedom, body image healing, and dismantling diet culture. Find Full Plate on Instagram @fullplate.podcast Abbie is @abbieattwoodwellness This show is ad-free and listener-supported. For bonus episodes and more content, join us on Patreon:
Show episodes
#150: Medical Care Without Weight Stigma with Size-Inclusive Physician, Dr. Mara Gordon
The first 45 minutes of this conversation are FREE! Listen to the extended version of this episode when you subscribe to Patreon here. (or go to: Dr. Mara Gordon joins the pod to share what it means to be a size-inclusive physician and why it’s time to rethink weight in medicine. We discuss w
#149: “Restriction Just Isn’t An Option Anymore”: Shira Rosenbluth on Being a Plus-Size Bride, Recovery in a Fat Body, and Harm Reduction with GLP-1s
Shira Rosenbluth, LCSW, returns to discuss what it means to live a full life in a fat body. She catches us up on eating disorder recovery (two years after her first time on the pod), coming out as queer, how her relationship with her fiance has impacted her body image, planning a wedding as a plus-size bride, and what
#148: Embodiment: What It Is, What It Isn't, and How We Come Home to Ourselves with Relational and Group Psychotherapist, Neathery Falchuk (Revisited)
What is alive in you right now? What does it mean to return to your body as the place where you experience life? As we head into a new year, nothing feels more important than staying close to ourselves. Neathery Falchuk (they/them) joins Abbie to talk about the true meaning of embodiment, how it differs from mainstream
#147: Health Anxiety, Coping with Uncertainty, and How Diet Culture Impacts Our Mental Health with Dr. Diana Gordon
We're revisiting this conversation with Dr. Diana Gordon, and it's everything. Big picture, Abbie and Diana discuss how to approach mental health in a sea of diet and wellness misinformation -- including whether or not movement and nutrition have a meaningful impact on anxiety and depression. They get into what it's li
#146: Dealing with Holiday Anxiety, Resting without Guilt, Responding to Food Judgement, and Setting Compassionate Boundaries
This is a free preview of a bonus episode! You can access the full podcast episode here when you support the show on Patreon at Abbie’s husband, Jeb, joins the pod (back by popular demand!) to help answer holiday questions from listeners. The questions get at the heart of all the ways the hol
#145: The Path from Fitness Influencer to Eating Disorder, and Finding Self-Worth Beyond the Body with Mary Jelkovsky (of @maryscupoftea)
Author and podcaster Mary Jelkovsky (@maryscupofteaa) joins us to share her journey about the harms and toxicity of becoming a fitness influencer, how fitness culture pushed her further into an eating disorder, and how she's healed from the damage to her sense of self. We also get into self-love versus self-compassion,