Squat University
The ultimate guide to decreasing pain, optimizing athletic performance & finding your true strength by Dr. Aaron Horschig.
Show episodes
In episode 140, 2x Olympian Chad Vaughn jumps on to discuss how to improve squat depth! Joint the SquatU Club on Train Heroic: https://marketplace.trainheroic.com/workout-plan/team/squat-u-club New TYR weightlifting shoe: https://www.tyr.com/footwear/l-1-lifting-shoe Order MY NEW BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/Rebuilding
In episode 139, 2x Olympian Chad Vaughn jumps on to discuss the 20 rep squat program! Joint the SquatU Club on Train Heroic: https://marketplace.trainheroic.com/workout-plan/team/squat-u-club New TYR weightlifting shoe: https://www.tyr.com/footwear/l-1-lifting-shoe Order MY NEW BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/Rebuilding-M

Building Blocks of Lifts: The Art of Isolating and Optimizing Movement Patterns (feat. Olympian Chad Vaughn)
In episode 138, 2x Olympian Chad Vaughn jumps on to discuss how focusing on parts of your lift can help you perform the lift as a whole! Joint the SquatU Club on Train Heroic: https://marketplace.trainheroic.com/workout-plan/team/squat-u-club New TYR weightlifting shoe: https://www.tyr.com/footwear/l-1-lifting-shoe Ord
In episode 137, 2x Olympian Chad Vaughn jumps on to discuss how to enhance your overhead lifting, specifically the jerk for olympic weightlifters and CrossFitters! Joint the SquatU Club on Train Heroic: https://marketplace.trainheroic.com/workout-plan/team/squat-u-club New TYR weightlifting shoe: https://www.tyr.com/fo
In episode 136, 2x Olympian Chad Vaughn jumps on to discuss 3 ways you can add some flavor to your squat workouts (mobility, stability and tempo work). Joint the SquatU Club on Train Heroic: https://marketplace.trainheroic.com/workout-plan/team/squat-u-club New TYR weightlifting shoe: https://www.tyr.com/footwear/l-1-l
In episode 135, 2x Olympian Chad Vaughn discusses why you need to max out your lifts every once and a while EVEN IF you're not a competitive weightlifter, powerlifter or crossfitter. Joint the SquatU Club on Train Heroic: https://marketplace.trainheroic.com/workout-plan/team/squat-u-club Order MY NEW BOOK: https://www