Redefining Wealth with Patrice Washington

Updated: 08 Dec 2022 • 39 episodes

Show episodes

Patrice Washington & Lori Harder 08 Dec 2022 • EN

Lori Harder: Building Your Next Level Network

Many of us miss out on relationships because we’re worried about what other people think of our friend choices. However, in order to truly support ourselves, we have to understand that our network will change which means it’s important to navigate relationships with different people in different seasons in our lives. 

57 min
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Patrice Washington & Vishen Lakhiani 13 Oct 2022 • EN

Vishen Lakhiani: The 6 Phase Meditation Method

We often think of meditation as a silent spiritual practice, but today I want to challenge you to incorporate intentional meditation into your daily routine to attract the life you desire.  This week on the Redefining Wealth Podcast we’re joined by modern personal growth architect and the creator of Mindvalley, Vishen

49 min
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Patrice Washington & Emmanuel Acho 22 Sep 2022 • EN

Emmanuel Acho: The Power of Illogical Living

As a woman of color, I find myself in uncomfortable situations regarding my race or sex. From being physically ignored to overlooked, I’ve found that as much as I try to love on others, sometimes the world around me is not in a space to reciprocate that love. It used to hurt my feelings at a time in my life, but now I’

45 min
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Patrice Washington & Amy Porterfield 23 Jun 2022 • EN

Amy Porterfield: The Beauty of Being Unattached in Business

I truly believe that as much as we hustle and grind toward the goals that we have in mind, we can only do what we can do.  Sometimes we may succeed, and sometimes we may fail, but the lesson or the blessing we receive is typically dependent on how attached we are to the outcome.   This week, on the Redefining Wealth Po

49 min
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Patrice Washington & Jen Sincero 12 May 2022 • EN

Jen Sincero: Master the Mindset of Wealth

I truly believe in the mantra, “Chase Purpose, Not Money”, but I also understand that while money may not be everything, it is the tool that we use to move through this world.    From how we spend our time to where we spend our time, our relationship with money typically drives how we schedule our lives. Today’s guest

54 min
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Patrice Washington & Shawn Stevenson 28 Apr 2022 • EN

Shawn Stevenson: Sleep Smarter, Eat Smarter

What can you do to feel better? What can you do to get healthy?   Regardless of popular opinion, food has the power to heal and restore our bodies. From the vitamins it carries to the nutrients it provides, what we eat has a direct impact on our physical and mental health, as well as our sleep habits and how we product

58 min
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