LEVELS – A Whole New Level

Updated: 11 Jul 2024 • 260 episodes

Levels builds tech that helps people understand how food affects their metabolic health, empowering others with the tools needed to achieve health goals and improve health span. We host in-depth conversations with industry thought leaders with research-backed information, so you can take your health into own hands. Connect with us: Become a Member: https://levels.link/wnl Instagram: https://instagram.com/levels Twitter: https://twitter.com/levels LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/levels-health TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@levelshealth YouTube: https://youtube.com/levelshealth


Show episodes

High insulin levels drive the growth of fat cells. In turn, fat gain can exacerbate insulin resistance, leading to a vicious cycle. Insulin is a hormone the pancreas releases in response to glucose rising in the bloodstream. A lower insulin level is required to lose fat, and dietary habits and lifestyle changes can hel

12 min
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Before someone develops type 2 diabetes, they go through a prediabetic stage. But if someone is reversing their diabetes and is trending toward better glucose levels or even optimal levels, they are postdiabetic. Eric Edmeades and Ben Grynol discuss Edmeades’s new book “Postdiabetic,” his company Wildfit, and how the p

61 min
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Excess glucose from food gets stored as fat. And our insulin response drives that fat storage. The goal is for the pancreas to release less insulin but for the body to have a healthy response to it. Dr. Robert Lustig and Ben Grynol discuss the interplay between glucose and insulin, healthy glucose numbers, and the prob

32 min
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Why are we spending more on health care every year, yet people are getting sicker? “Good Energy,” a book by Casey Means, MD, details how you can take your health into your own hands with the power of food as medicine. Dr. Casey Means and Dr. Robert Lustig discuss the overarching themes of “Good Energy,” why we need cha

64 min
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About 93% of people in the United States are not metabolically healthy. But metabolic health can be improved quickly and over time with lifestyle changes. Dr. Robert Lustig and Ben Grynol discuss what metabolism is, how to determine metabolic health status, and how and why maintaining metabolic health is crucial. Sign

10 min
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A lean mass hyper-responder is someone with high LDL and HDL cholesterol and low triglycerides. They are often lean and healthy people who present with strange and alarming lipid numbers after going on the ketogenic diet. Dave Feldman, Dr. Nick Norwitz & Dr. Dominic D’Agostino discuss the LMHR phenotype, whether it’s a

100 min
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