Full Stack Radio
A podcast for developers interested in building great software products. Every episode, Adam Wathan is joined by a guest to talk about everything from product design and user experience to unit testing and system administration.
Show episodes
152: Ben Orenstein - How to Stand Out When Applying for a Job at a Small Company
Topics:Putting yourself in the shoes of the person reviewing your applicationCrafting a high quality application tailored to a specific positionStanding out in a more traditional hiring process by doing something a little extraShowcasing very specific examples of your work instead of asking the person reviewing your ap
Links:HotwireHEY Supporting the show: I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them. If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to purchase one of my products:Tailwind UI, a collection of professionally designed, fully res
Supporting the show: I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them. If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to check out our products:Tailwind UI, a collection of professionally designed, fully responsive HTML component
Links:Changes to Gumroad's PayPal supportRadical iconsJack's hand-drawn avatarsW3C's CMS Selection Report Supporting the show: I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them. If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to ch
Supporting the show: I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them. If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to check out our products:Tailwind UI, a collection of professionally designed, fully responsive HTML component
147: Surviving GitHub Issues, the Statamic 3 Launch Aftermath, Tailwind 1.8, and Headless UI
Supporting the show: I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them. If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to check out our products:Tailwind UI, a collection of professionally designed, fully responsive HTML component