GSD Diaries with Angela Proffitt

Updated: 04 Jul 2024 • 336 episodes

Welcome to GSD Diaries (formerly Business Unveiled), where we share stories of transformation, resilience, and the pursuit of purpose. Join us as we travel the world, sharing insights from other cultures, highlighting wellness, and what it means to navigate the ups and downs in life and business. We'll uncover the truths behind living a fulfilling and impactful life. In this podcast, we highlight impactful leaders who have navigated change, wellness resorts and companies that prioritize health, sharing real stories of resilience and motivating you to create a balanced, fulfilling life. I'll sit down with industry leaders who have overcome incredible challenges, sharing their secrets to success and survival. Together, we'll explore how to shift perspectives, embrace healthy habits, and find true happiness in our work and lives. Hi, I'm Angela Proffitt, an entrepreneur disrupting the hospitality industry by shaking things up. As the GSD Girl who loves to Get Shit Done, let's dance around the world together, uncovering the 'first times' and the powerful stories behind them. Often, it's a near-death experience that wakes you up and pushes you to make a change. I've learned the hard way—if you don't take care of yourself, you can't take care of others in hospitality. In this wellness series, I'll chat with some of my closest friends and fellow movers and shakers in the entrepreneurial community. Together, we'll explore meaningful ways to become more human and empathetic, and shift our perspectives for a better life and business. This is GSD Diaries—transforming the hospitality industry, one step at a time.

Show episodes

Welcome to GSD Diaries! Here we dive deep into the lives of those who lead with wellness, purpose, and meaning. This is a must-listen for wedding and event planners, travel agents, and anyone in the GSD (Get Shit Done) Community who seeks to elevate their lives and careers.  In this episode, we sit down with a top real

16 min
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27 Apr 2023 • EN

It All Starts With You

Do you ever find yourself trying to fit into other people’s boxes? Instead of focusing on what makes you happy and lights you up, you are focused on how to make other people happy. That may be clients, family, friends… it seems like you always come last. Well I’m here to tell you from experience, when you live like you

30 min
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I was honored to be interviewed by The Decision by EO Nashville podcast. If you have been a long term listener of Business Unveiled, you have heard me mention EO just a few times!! The Entrepreneur Organization is one of the best investments I have ever made as a business owner. The Decision by EO Nashville podcast was

43 min
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13 Apr 2023 • EN

Is It YOUR Time To Jump?

Have you ever had a nightmare where you wake up in cold sweats in a panic totally disoriented? I’ll never EVER forget the first morning I didn’t show up for work…the night before I went to a Jessica Simpson concert.  And let’s just say there were too many pitchers of margaritas ordered.  Sooooo, you won’t be shocked wh

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What is your personal story? Have you thought about how it has shaped who you are as a business person? If not, it may be time to start uncovering it and how you can use your story as a tool for growth for your business.  I am so excited to share today’s guest, Kay Cote, who I met at PodFest in Orlando of 2023. Kay is

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Are you ready to take the plunge into entrepreneurship? Are you looking for the signs to get started? Starting a business is an exciting journey that comes with its own set of challenges, but you have to remember that nothing is impossible! I met today’s podcast guest recently at a 2 day workshop in Chelsea, Michigan a

41 min
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