Jim James – Alastair McDermott

Jim James is an entrepreneur, an interview host, and a coach / trainer. Alastair McDermott is a consultant and an interview host. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Jim James and Alastair McDermott.

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Episodes with Jim James & Alastair McDermott

Alastair McDermott & Jim James 11 Jul 2022 • EN

Get Noticed Through Effective Communication with Jim James

Getting noticed by the right people - for the right reason - is what marketing is all about. But getting noticed isn't easy when there's an entire internet competing for attention. So how do we do it? In this episode, Jim James and Alastair McDermott discuss why and how to get noticed, the practical elements of PR, and

45 min
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You can remain an "invisible expert", unknown to all but your referral network, and have a successful business. But apparently the riches are in the niches, or the cash is in the pigeon holes according Alastair McDermott. Alastair McDermott explains how to lose that reliance on referrals which is the handicap of over 9

19 min
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