Michael Graziano's Interviews

169 - Michael Graziano: The Attention Schema Theory of Consciousness
Michael Graziano is Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Princeton University, where he and his lab research the brain basis of consciousness. Naturally, this is precisely what Michael and Robinson discuss in this episode. More particularly, they get into the philosophical question of what consciousness is, the
Neuroscientist Michael Graziano talks about his book "Rethinking Consciousness"
This episode is an interview with Dr. Michael Graziano, author of Rethinking Consciousness: A Scientific Theory of Subjective Experience. We discuss how his Attention Schema Theory compliments several current theories and how it answers the question of how the brain generates subjective experience ("qualia"). Links a
#127 Michael Graziano: Consciousness, From Animals To AI
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Episode 19: The Evolution of Consciousness and the Attention Schema Theory with Dr. Michael Graziano
My guest this episode is Dr. Michael Graziano, Professor of Psychology at the Princeton Neuroscience Institute where he runs a lab and studies the brain basis of consciousness. He earned his PhD at PRINCETON UNIVERSITY... The post Episode 19: The Evolution of Consciousness and the Attention Schema Theory with Dr. Micha
BS 142 is an interview with neuroscientist Michael Graziano about his latest book The Spaces Between Us: A Story of Neuroscience, Evolution, and Human Nature. We explore the discovery of peripersonal neurons and discover how deeply they are imbedded in our daily lives. For show notes and complete transcripts go to http
Podcasts with Michael Graziano
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