Comedians to interview
8 profiles
Bob LeMent
StaticRadioThe Static Web Site’s first episode was on January 1, 1999, in a vain attempt to make the world hear the off-kilter and sophomoric ramblings of Miles Tidal and Bob LeMent. Now 24 years and counting they continue their weekly stream-of-consciousness dialogues. As you may have discerned from listening, we do no preparation or use any manners or decorum to provide a fully improvised piece of comedy. Enjoy.

Cathy Nesbitt
cathynesbittCathy Nesbitt is a Health and Wellness Advocate. Founder of Cathy’s Crawly Composters (est 2002), Cathy’s Sprouters and Cathy’s Laughter Club. She is a multi award-winning environmental innovator who uses workshops and inspirational speaking to motivate people to live a more sustainable life. Cathy is a certified Laughter Yoga Teacher. Appointed Laughter Ambassador in 2017 by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of Laughter Yoga. Cathy is an avid cyclist and gardener.

Murf Meyer
murfmeyer"...inimitable hype man"—The A.V. Club "...mustachioed shock jock"—Rolling Stone "...hell-raising, whiskey-drinking madman"—Penthouse "...born extrovert and storyteller"—Forbes "...gambled away $2,500 in Atlantic City"—Newsweek