Steve Kaufmann's Interviews
#111 Steve Kaufmann on the Evolution of LingQ
Steve Kaufmann, renowned polyglot and founder of LingQ rejoins Benny Lewis and Shannon Kennedy to talk about the LingQ language learning app, how intensive your language learning really needs to be and more. Featured ResourcesLingQ Patreon Extended Episode Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe to our Patreon to get access to ex
#22 Steve Kaufmann - How to Learn a New Language from Any Online Article
Famous polyglot Steve Kaufmann joins us in this inspiring episode of the language hacking podcast. In our chat with Steve, we discuss comprehensible input and compelling input, what LingQ is and why Steve created it, and the early disagreements between Benny and Steve. Featured ResourcesLingQ Mentioned in this EpisodeL
Interview with Steve Kaufmann, Polyglot & Co-founder of LingQ
In today's episode, I interview Steve Kaufmann. Steve is a polyglot and co-founder of LingQ. He also hosts a popular language learning Youtube channel under the name LingoSteve. Our conversation covers a range of language-related topics such as language learning myths, how language learning has changed with new technol
Polyglot, Author & LingQ Founder Steve Kaufmann on Why You Are Never Too Old to Learn a Language
With 11 languages under his belt (Update: now 20 as of 2021), Steve Kaufmann is an extremely accomplished language learner. His extensive language learning wisdom in shared in his book titled The Way of the Linguist: A Language Learning Odyssey and his online language learning system called LingQ. 📝 For show notes, v
Podcasts with Steve Kaufmann
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