Ken McCarthy's Interviews
Ken McCarthy is widely known as the godfather of internet marketing, but he is also a dissident content creator, and in today's episode we discuss the recent unpleasantness (we dare not say its name here, for obvious reasons) and what nurses were reporting about what was happening in the hospitals. We also cover what A
On today's show, Ken discusses his recent book 'What the Nurses Saw". GUEST OVERVIEW: Ken is an investigative journalist, author, and documentary filmmaker. You can learn more about him at https://www.kenmccarthy.com
Disentangling The COVID-19 Narrative With Ken McCarthy: Have We Been Duped?
In this episode, we are joined once again by Ken McCarthy, an activist, educator, entrepreneur, and internet commercialization pioneer. Ken is dedicated to enlightening the public on issues of significant importance – and his biggest project yet is the conversations we’ve had around COVID-19… Ken recently wrote a book
Ken McCarthy perceived the commercial potential of the Internet before almost anyone, and is considered the godfather of Internet marketing. Paul Krugman, meanwhile, claimed in the 1990s that the Internet's effect on the economy would be no greater than that of the fax machine. Ken and I have a wide ranging discussion
The Old Normal: An Historical Perspective of COVID-19 with Ken McCarthy
The COVID-19 situation isn’t the first of its kind—not entirely, at least. For as many times as you’ve heard voices claiming it’s triggered the “new normal,” you should have also heard the voices of reason and evidence and logic, which assert that it’s really more like an old normal, yet one that is causing unprecedent
Ken McCarthy talks with Jim about the commercial shift of the internet, the evolution of internet media, online market potential, the high cost of free, and much more... Internet pioneer Ken McCarthy talks with Jim about why & how he first got on the internet in 1993, what it was like to be in tech in the 90’s, the wal
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