Jon Brennan

Jon Brennan

2 Interviews

Jon Brennan's Interviews

Jodi Krangle & Jon Brennan + Sean Beeson 20 Apr 2022 • EN

Signature Sounds: An Interview With Jon Brennan & Sean Beeson - Part 2

“Through our research, we also found that anything beyond four notes, if we were to create a pattern that had more than four notes in it, that it started to sound too much like a jingle and just out of place for an automobile. Automobiles really just had single-tone dings, and so we knew we couldn't stray too far from

26 min
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Jodi Krangle & Jon Brennan + Sean Beeson 13 Apr 2022 • EN

Signature Sounds: An Interview With Jon Brennan & Sean Beeson - Part 1

“I think that the future of audio is one that's customized, personalized, interactive, intelligent and dynamic, you know, instead of always treating audio as on and off, we need to treat it in a way that's delivered to each person as a unique experience.” -- Sean Beeson This episode features a rare two-for-one intervie

33 min
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Podcast with Jon Brennan


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