Jeff Jarvis

Jeff Jarvis

14 Interviews

Jeff Jarvis's Interviews

The age of print is a grand exception in history. For five centuries it fostered what some call print culture – a worldview shaped by the completeness, permanence, and authority of the printed word. As a technology, print at its birth was as disruptive as the digital migration of today. Now, as the internet ushers us p

63 min
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Jeff Jarvis 10 Nov 2023 • EN

Novara FM: Engine of Immortality w/ Jeff Jarvis

For 500 years, societies have been shaped by the authority and permanence of the printed word. What do we have to lose – or gain – when the internet renders print culture obsolete? Jeff Jarvis thinks we should look to the early print era, when Johannes Gutenberg’s invention caused a moral panic across Europe, for clues

67 min
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Miranda Melcher & Jeff Jarvis 31 Oct 2023 • EN

Jeff Jarvis, "Magazine" (Bloomsbury, 2023)

For a century, magazines were the authors of culture and taste, of intelligence and policy - until they were overthrown by the voices of the public themselves online. Magazine (Bloomsbury, 2023) by Jeff Jarvis, part of the Object Lessons series is a tribute to all that magazines were. From their origins in London and o

40 min
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Andrew Keen & Jeff Jarvis 26 Jul 2023 • EN

The Gutenberg Parenthesis

EPISODE 1618: In this KEEN ON show, Andrew talks to Jeff Jarvis, the author of THE GUTTENBERG PARENTHESIS about the lessons of the age of print for our internet age Jeff Jarvis is a national leader in the development of online news, blogging, the investigation of new business models for news, and the teaching of entrep

52 min
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EPISODE 1471: In this KEEN ON show, Andrew talks to the social media theorist Jeff Jarvis about the origins of blogging , what went wrong at Facebook and Twitter, and why he still believes in the social potential of the Internet Jeff Jarvis is the Director of the Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism and The

27 min
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Mike Blinder & Jeff Jarvis 04 Nov 2022 • EN

Against big tech comp, paywalls & more. 1-on-1 with Jeff Jarvis

As the news publishing industry continues to fight the big tech giants, Google & Facebook, for what is considered fair compensation for the content journalists create and that the tech companies monetize via clicks and posts, one voice tweets to over 170,000 followers: "Klobuchar's JCPA is shit legislation” and “Protec

49 min
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Podcasts with Jeff Jarvis


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