Yoshi Yokokawa's Interviews
Yoshi Yokokawa of Alpaca on Fintech, ReCaps, and the Stress of Losing Momentum at an Early Stage Startup
I'm excited to bring one of my favorite guests back for his second round of Panic: Yoshi Yokokowa, founder of Alpaca, a Social Leverage Fund III portfolio company. Coming to you all the way from Japan, Yoshi is here to talk fintech, the stress of a recap, and the stress of losing momentum at an early stage. And to all
Alternative Data for Investing with Vinesh Jha of ExtractAlpha #018
In Episode 18 of Fintech Underground by Alpaca, we interviewed Vinesh Jha. As the CEO of ExtractAlpha, Vinesh talks about alternative datasets for investing, crowdsourcing financial intelligence, and more.
Yoshi Yokokawa of Alpaca on the global growth in stock trading
Yoshi Yokokawa drops by to talk about the global growth in trading and investing, and about his company Alpaca which powers commission free stock trading in apps all over the world Guest - Yoshi Yokokawa, Co-Founder and CEO at Alpaca howardlindzon.com, alpaca.markets Twitter: @howardlindzon, @iyoshyoshi, @AlpacaHQ, @k
Born and raised in Japan, Yoshi Yokokawa started his career at Leimen Brothers in the US. In doing so, he was exposed to the fragility of the economies, yet saw how all things were connected and potential for areas of automation - IE, where things didn't need a human hand. A marathon runner, triathlete and yoga teacher
023 - Yoshi Yokokawa (CEO of Alpaca) on Financial Markets
I had an incredible conversation with Yoshi Yokokawa, who is the CEO and co-founder of Alpaca. Alpaca is building an API to let anyone start their own version Robinhood, anywhere in the world. Exciting stuff! In this episode, we talk about: How Alpaca works What did Yoshi get started on it What’s happening in the world
Podcasts with Yoshi Yokokawa
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