Yoshi Yokokawa – Knut Jensen

Yoshi Yokokawa is an entrepreneur and interview host. Knut Jensen is a media personality, a multimedia producer, and an interview host. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Yoshi Yokokawa and Knut Jensen.

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Episodes with Yoshi Yokokawa & Knut Jensen

I'm excited to bring one of my favorite guests back for his second round of Panic: Yoshi Yokokowa, founder of Alpaca, a Social Leverage Fund III portfolio company. Coming to you all the way from Japan, Yoshi is here to talk fintech, the stress of a recap, and the stress of losing momentum at an early stage. And to all

43 min
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Howard Lindzon + Knut Jensen & Yoshi Yokokawa 01 Oct 2020 • EN

Yoshi Yokokawa of Alpaca on the global growth in stock trading

Yoshi Yokokawa drops by to talk about the global growth in trading and investing, and about his company Alpaca which powers commission free stock trading in apps all over the world Guest - Yoshi Yokokawa, Co-Founder and CEO at Alpaca howardlindzon.com, alpaca.markets  Twitter: @howardlindzon, @iyoshyoshi, @AlpacaHQ, @k

50 min
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