Garry Tan

Garry Tan

13 Interviews

Garry Tan's Interviews

Learn how Garry Tan, CEO of Y Combinator, wrote his way to success in the startup world — and how you can, too. SPEAKER LINKS: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Blog: YouTube: https://www.

59 min
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Ravi Belani & Garry Tan 18 Oct 2023 • EN

Garry Tan (Y Combinator) - Unconventional Advice for Founders

Garry Tan is president and CEO of Y Combinator, which funds hundreds of companies per year through a web-based application. Tan is also the co-founder, board partner and advisor of Initialized Capital, an early stage venture capital fund, and co-founded Posterous, a blog platform acquired by Twitter. In this presentati

48 min
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This episode of Dear Asian Americans is brought to you by Toyota. As the proud partner of those who dare to dream, Toyota wants the stories of these Asian American Dreamers to stretch beyond the page. They must be seen, heard, and most importantly, supported. We hope these narratives will inspire you to chase your own

38 min
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Amy Jo Kim & Garry Tan 12 Aug 2022 • EN

Garry Tan: Investing in Crypto

Garry Tan is a software engineer turned entrepreneur turned investor. On his popular YouTube channel he offers advice to aspiring entrepreneurs. He is intensely aware of the privileged position he is in as a tech-savvy investor in Silicon Valley, and is eager to share his knowledge with the next generation.

45 min
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Patrick O’Shaughnessy & Garry Tan 08 Mar 2022 • EN

Garry Tan - Unwrapping the Gift

My guest today is Garry Tan, founder and managing partner of early-stage venture firm, Initialized Capital. Before starting Initialized, Garry was a partner at Y Combinator, employee number 10 at Palantir, and co-founder of YC backed blog platform Posterous. Our discussion covers what’s missing in the investment world,

60 min
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Today we're excited to have Garry Tan from Initialized Capital. His resume is bananas. Garry is a Stanford grad, a Y Combinator alum, and a seed investor in Coinbase. We cover his early days with Posterous, cutting his teeth at Y Combinator, founding Initialized Capital, and his media moves on YouTube. Get an inside se

55 min
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Podcasts with Garry Tan


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