Carl Tart

Carl Tart

10 Interviews

Carl Tart's Interviews

Don’t forget where you came from! Luka wants his holidays on other dates; and Carl knows how to fry a turkey but are the referees at the Battle of Atlantis are just corrupt cops calling too many technicals? Fifth tier customers have the right to throw biscuits, but how much can the BBQ restaurant devote to the NIL fund

73 min
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Kulap Vilaysack + SuChin Pak & Carl Tart 24 Oct 2023 • EN

Add to Carl Tart

Nobody gets the power of a little treat better than Carl Tart. He joins the aunties to talk about his favorite delicacy after a night out at the club. Plus, he shows his fashion connoisseur side and takes us to his “shoe room.” Carl also shares some sizzling hot takes about the Internet, like why he’s removing from car

44 min
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Ashley Menzier Babatunde & Carl Tart 08 Mar 2023 • EN

Battling Inner Voices and External Pressure with Carl Tart

Joining us today is the incredible comedian known for Comedy Bang! Bang! and Party Over Here, Carl Tart, who tells us all about his non-traditional path to becoming an actor! In this episode, we hear all about how Ashley met Carl in elementary school, why Carl and his mom moved to Los Angeles, what his childhood and fa

51 min
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Matt Besser & Vic Michaelis + Carl Tart 25 Aug 2022 • EN

Water Shortage Police

Carl Tart and Vic Michaelis join Matt Besser for scenes about narcing on people who water their lawns too much, the heart of the practice squad, hot tub debauchery, dubious fetus facts, and more!

71 min
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Dan Ahdoot & Carl Tart 23 Feb 2022 • EN

Carl Tart

Carl Tart (Grand Crew) and Dan learn proper fridge etiquette, why Kroger soda might be better than the name brand, and what type of A5 Wagyu is the best. Produced by Andrew Steven and The Podglomerate.  *** This show is a part of the Podglomerate network, a company that produces, distributes, and monetizes podcasts. We

54 min
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Brian Huskey + Charlie Sanders & Carl Tart 27 Oct 2021 • EN

Carl Tart got Hair Restoration

Actor, improvisor, and writer Carl Tart is one of the few guest on BT to have folicular unit extraction and he "fills in" the Bald Talkers in on what hair restoration is really like. (Pun. Nailed it.) Carl also shares his bizarre family secret about his very satisfying to say name, Carl Tart, his early days of comedy w

53 min
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Podcasts with Carl Tart


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