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Steve Webb
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Steve Webb
1 Interview
Steve Webb Writer of Young Adult Novels. Connoisseur of fine cheeseburgers. The Pirate's Curse: Brigands of the Compass Rose (cowritten by Toni Runkle) drops 9/28/23. Runkle and Webb's first novel for young readers, Glitter Girl, was called "an empowering message about striving to be true to oneself." by Kirkus Reviews.

Steve Webb's Interviews

Here's what to expect on the podcast:What factors or experiences brought Steve and Toni together to embark on a co-authorship journey?Why is having a co-author beneficial in the creative process of writing a book?What strategies or habits can help a writer stay motivated during the writing process?Where did Steve and T

63 min
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Podcast with Steve Webb


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