Toni Runkle Born in Lucca, Italy, Toni grew up travelling the world as an army brat. Her passion for storytelling began with her Italian mother who grew up loving American movies - a source of escape in war-torn Italy. She attended USC Film School and worked as a writer in the industry for several years before turning her focus to writing YA fiction - a genre she fell in love with when she had a daughter. Inspired by their daughters, she and her writing partner Steve Webb have written 2 books with strong messages about the empowerment of young women. She first YA book, Glitter Girl, dealt with the painful subject of shifting friendships in middle school. Their latest novel, The Pirate's Curse: Brigands of the Compass Rose, moves into the fantasy realm. It features a strong female heroine as well as a group of troubled children that have been rejected by society because they don't fit it. It has been described as "Treasure Island meets The Outsiders".
Toni Runkle's Interviews

Toni Runkle
+ Steve Webb
11 Dec 2023
• EN
Steve Webb & Toni Runkle - Plot Twist Conversations: YA Authors Revealed Like Hidden Treasure
Here's what to expect on the podcast:What factors or experiences brought Steve and Toni together to embark on a co-authorship journey?Why is having a co-author beneficial in the creative process of writing a book?What strategies or habits can help a writer stay motivated during the writing process?Where did Steve and T
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