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Brian Fitzpatrick is a bestselling author, produced screenwriter, builder of worlds, and lover of coffee. He began his writer life at the age of seven after accidentally watching the horror classic, Night of the Living Dead. After a week of sleepless nights, he grew obsessed with idea that he could be so scared, yet be perfectly safe. It was the catalyst for a life-altering decision.
When not writing, Fitzpatrick enjoys giving back with author marketing videos and networking at events.
He also enjoys cooking and investigating the paranormal with his wife and their team.
Brian Fitzpatrick's Interviews
Award-winning screenwriter, and author, Brian Fitzpatrick is our groovy guest for episode 243! We go all over the place during the interview discussing topics such as paranormal investigation, screenwriting for TV, movies and novels, rock bands, Night of the Living Dead, writing the dream project, and Brian sprinkles i
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