Willo Perron

Willo Perron

2 Interviews

Willo Perron's Interviews

😇 Mes sponsors du mois Squarespace – La révolution no-code pour créer un site web beau, simple et efficace. Pas besoin d’être développeur ni codeur pour pouvoir l’utiliser. ➡ Découvrir Squarespace Hans Boodt Mannequins – Le studio de production de mannequins de vitrine qu’il vous faut ➡ Découvrir Hans Boodt Mannequin

121 min
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Live experience & interior designer Willo Perron grew up in Montreal surrounded by creativity. An industrious kid, he dropped out of high school at 14 to follow his own entrepreneurial and creative path. He got his start around the nightclub scene in Montreal doing everything from designing flyers, to lighting, to scou

59 min
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Podcasts with Willo Perron


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